Feminine embodiment for the New Paradigm goddess



sex + spirit


Join a container of women who are committed to embodying a fulfilling sex life and authentic, out of this world relationships. Through somatic coaching and with a taste of feminine embodiment and spiritual practice, you will be empowered to shift your sex and relationships from average to deeply intimate and epic.

Inside this group coaching program, you will receive:

Somatic sex and relationship coaching

Spiritual guidance

Divine feminine medicine

Group support

Relationships are the toughest practice in the world to master.

Yet we all crave them. We all yearn to feel connected, wanted, seen, and understood.

Many relationships fail not because we don't care but because we have not developed the skills needed to move through difficulty and repair.

In the Western world, sex  has been used against women as a form of control, fear, and shame. 

However, sex is at the core of who we are. It is an integral part of life, and it is essential to us truly being embodied and empowered.

The body is not a machine, it is a living organism that has evolved over millions of years both biologically and spiritually in the most intelligent of ways.

When we begin to learn how to use this to our advantage, we change our lives and our relationships.

When we approach sex and relationships from a somatic standpoint and with expanded spiritual practice, we unlock the key to thriving inside of them.

An experiential and embodied approach to sex and relationship coaching. Through somatic methods and a variety of tools to help support you in unlocking your deepest emotional and sexual desires, you will develop a level of confidence like never before. With an emphasis on approaching sex and relating from a shame-free space and utilizing your body as the ultimate tool in not just healing but thriving, you will shift unhealthy patterns, overcome sexual blockages, and experience pleasure and connection in new and profound ways.

Various spiritual approaches and practices toward sex and relationship coaching. Scientific trauma research shows a significant contributor to resilience is the ability to shift perspective and see difficult situations from various lenses. Something that aids in that profoundly is having a prominent spiritual foundation and practice. Additionally, your coach recognizes the transcendental experiences that can occur as a result of pleasure and love-making and aids you in utilizing sex not just a body-based experience but as a sacred, spiritual one as well.

Coaching that prioritizes your unique needs as a woman. While the majority of the Western world follows a masculine-based 24-hour cycle, those of us with wombs have different needs. We are cyclical beings, on a monthly cycle, and it's essential to account for that within the realm of desire and relating. Additionally, the yoni-brain connection is monumental, and when we shift our relationship with our pussy to a central part of our life, we unlock  layers of emotional intelligence and creativity that we would not otherwise gain access to. 

Support inside a container of women on the path to unbelievable sex and relationships, just like you. Why is group support so powerful? There is deep transformation that happens when we are witnessed in vulnerable expression, which is an essential component to intimacy. Also, you will be amazed at how much you can learn and grow from being a part of  the healing journey of others. Women in support of one another instead of in competition to each other is how we not only shift our lives but the world at large.


Words from incredible past clients 

"Delani’s teachings have given me a new perspective that allows me to feel as fluid, intuitive, and vulnerable as I truly feel."

"This was the deep dive I needed back into myself and my own wisdom. I loved connecting with my inner child and embracing the wild woman within."

"As someone who has experienced sexual trauma, I’ve felt numb and disconnected from my center and my yoni. However, through this work, sharing with the other women, and practicing meditations and embodiment rituals I finally am able to feel more intuitive, trust myself, and actually experience multiple orgasms which I haven’t experienced in years!!!"

"Delani has just been so amazing to connect with and learn from. She truly cares about helping without judgement or urgency. I’m no longer attached to a logic-based linear path and I’m being led in the directions that call to me. I let go of a toxic 4 year relationship that was holding me back from deep love and happiness. My life is changing and I can’t thank Delani enough!"

  •  Bi-weekly 90-minute group coaching sessions led by Delani from the comfort of your home. That's the juice and the important stuff!

  • Instant access to two masterclasses: The Yoga of Love-Making and The Art of Living in Your Feminine (3.5 hours worth of content) to get you started.

  •  Instant access to 12 guided video practices led by Delani including somatic healing and exploration, meditation, embodiment, breath work, eroticism, dance, mini lessons, and more to support you along the way.

  • Telegram group chat for connection between calls.

  • HALF OFF 1:1 1-hour coaching sessions with Delani.

  • NO LOCK-INS! Sign-up when you want, pay monthly, and cancel anytime.

Included inside the coaching program:

The opportunity to develop sex and intimacy skills should not be a luxury.

That's why Sex and Spirit gives women the opportunity to receive this support over a continued period of time for only $6.50 USD a day. 

While 1:1 coaching can feel inaccessible, this group coaching program will upgrade your sex and relationships to incredible levels for the cost of a Starbucks coffee.

Imagine your life after saying yes to these desires and prioritizing these needs. Yes, they are NEEDS!

Delani knows deeply and personally the delicious outcomes of making the commitment to dive into the development of these somatic skills, and she wants you to experience the magic as well. 

Your Investment

$197 USD


Biweekly group coaching calls for as long as you are subscribed.

Cancel anytime.



Sex and Spirit is for you if:

✓ You are ready to experience deeply fulfilling intimate relationships

✓ You feel called to take sex and pleasure to the next level

✓ You feel stuck in unhealthy emotional patterns and want support and tools to overcome them

✓ You want to reignite the spark in your relationship

✓ You are ready as fuck to call in soulmate connections

✓ You want to explore your pleasure and orgasmic potential because sex has felt mediocre for a long time

✓ The vortex of somatic healing, spiritual guidance, and divine feminine embodiment to step into epic sex and relationship turns you on (even if it feels a little scary...that's great!)

✓ You want to heal from past relationships that may be holding you back in the present

✓ You want to address and alchemize relationship anxiety, abandonment wounds, and pain around worth and deservedness

✓ You want to release shame, societal conditioning, ancestral wounding, and trauma around your own sexuality

Why should I invest in sex and relationship coaching?

Whether you've been in a relationship for a decade and are feeling called to reignite the spark, you're currently single and want to release religious shame and pain that's been holding you back since you were a child, or you struggle to experience pleasure and orgasms, one thing is for certain: Well all want to feel connected and to experience love and intimacy. 

Sometimes that connection is with ourself, sometimes it is with another, but there's no question about it: Relationships are integral to a fulfilling life. 

Most of us crave nourishing sex and relationships, yet we are not taught that it is actually a skill, and that is something that needs to be developed and practiced. This is a way you can do that. Relationships are where we tend to experience the greatest of highs in life, but also the most difficult of pains. That's because they mean so much to us. And chances are, what you are experiencing...you are not alone in. So many women are carrying something similar, and we can support one another in that process.

The practice of somatic coaching, based in an embodied experiential approach, recognizes that to truly overcome unhealthy patterns, we have to tend to the body and the nervous system. 

Through tending to the intelligence of the body, the expanded perspective of spiritual guidance, and the unique needs of being a feminine woman, we liberate ourselves and experience the sex and relationships of our wildest, wettest dreams. 

Topics we'll cover:

I'm ready





Our individual desires can be quite complex. Discovering them leads us to not only being able to give ourselves what we want, but making it so our partners can do the same for us as well. Fulfilled desires mean epic sex and nourishing relationships, and we get to explore that together. Yum! 

Sadly, for so many of us shame begins incredibly young. Whether it's religious shame that tells us our pleasure is a sin, shame that's been passed through generations of women conditioned to believe our natural bodily functions are gross, or cultural shame that dictates our relationship dynamics...no doubt it affects our sex and relationships in huge ways. We are going to heal and alchemize this.

Again, most relationships fail not due to a lack of love but a lack of skill...the most essential skill being communication. Communication is everything when it comes to attracting and maintaining healthy relationships. The best way to get better at it is to practice. We'll do that inside the Sex and Spirit group coaching program.

Mmm, yes please! The body of a woman is so intricate and incredible, and there is so much to discover. Whether you want to experience your first orgasm, play with masculine and feminine energy dynamics, or experience eroticism outside of just the bedroom...this is the place! This is the place to bring all of yourself, dark and light. We love it all.

If you're ready to embark on a journey of deeply delicious sex and authentic, earth-shattering relationships...if you're ready to commit to changing your life, Sex and Spirit is waiting for you.


Meet Your Coach

Delani Morgan

Delani is a somatic sex and relationship coach, a spiritual mentor, and a feminine embodiment guide for women. She has over a decade of experience practicing yoga, is a certified Vinyasa teacher, and loves to incorporate yogic philosophy into her coaching. She has a background in Psychology and also several years of practice in non-monogomous partnership. While she loves to work with fellow non-monogomous goddesses, her work is suitable for all relationships dynamics. Delani deeply believes the combination of somatic healing, spiritual practice, and divine feminine medicine is the magical vortex that creates a spiral of true transformation for women on an individual and collective level. She feels a strong passion for tending to the shame instilled within us to access liberation, and she absolutely emphasizes we get to be both the whore and the holy woman in this lifetime. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are the coaching sessions recorded?
     Yes, they are. They will be accessible to you for as long as you are subscribed. However, it is highly encouraged that you make it a priority to show up live as it takes real-time work to make real-time changes.

  2. When are the live sessions?
    We will meet for coaching sessions every other week. At the beginning of each month, Delani will inform you of the dates and times for that month so you can plan ahead.

  3. What if I'm not sure I can commit to the monthly payments of $197?
    That's perfectly fine because you can cancel anytime! There are no lock-ins. That means if you want to try it out for a month and it's not for you, you can leave. If you want to join one month, cancel for another because of other commitments or financial issues, and then come back later, you can. If you want to stay and continue receiving support for several months, please do! While healing can absolutely happen in an instant, it is recommended to commit to at least 3 month to begin noticing truly profound changes and developing long-lasting skills.

  4. How long do I have access to the bonus content?
    You will have access for as long as you are subscribed. If you are just interested in the content without the coaching and you'd like to purchase it for lifetime access, DM Delani on Instagram @submissiontosource.

  5. I feel scared. I'm uncomfortable. I'm not sure if this is for me. I've never talked about sex with others. Etc.
    All of this calls for celebration! It's okay to be scared and unsure. As we explore the edges of discomfort within us slowly and intentionally, this is how true growth and healing takes place, and you will be supported in the process of doing that. Trust that your soul has led you here for a reason and listen to your intuitive pings. Take a day, breathe into your body, and come back to it. If you have more questions or curiosities, reach out to Delani on Instagram @submissiontosource.